The U.S. has been criticized Problem antigay law, Uganda President: If Disagree, Just Shut up!

Entebbe, - The United States government condemned the decision of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni who signed the anti-gay law. But Museveni calls that Western countries can not impose his beliefs on the nation of Uganda.

"Respect the people of Africa and their values​​," Museveni said in an interview with CNN

" If you do not agree , silent . Allow us organize our society , then we 'll see. If we are wrong , we 'll find it for themselves , just as we do not interfere in your affairs , " said Museveni .

For the Ugandan leader , sexual behavior is a matter of choice and gay men called " disgusting . " Even according to the devout Christian , the only reason someone being gay is money .

"Homosexuals were mercenary . They actually heterosexual but because of the money they claim to homosexuals . They enter prostitution because of money , " he said .

Stressed, he has requested a scientific opinion before signing the antigay law .

" There is no research that shows you can be a homosexual in nature. Whereas a man can love his fellow man , it is a matter of choice . Upon hearing of the scientists , I get the facts . Could someone be gay by nature ? Answer is no , " said Museveni .

Based on the anti-gay law , those caught committing homosexuality for the first time , will face a prison sentence of 14 years . Those who do not report homosexual citizens can also snared crime . Life imprisonment is also possible for the gays getting worse .

The new law also criminalizes the promotion or recognition of homosexual relationships through or without the support of government agencies in Uganda or non-governmental bodies within and outside the country .

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