Washington, - Severe! Rape cases increased sharply in the United States military. Even nearly three rapes occur every hour in the U.S. military!
The fact was revealed in a new report, aka the U.S. Department of Defense Pentagon as reported by News.com.au, Friday (05/10/2013).
According to published media reports that the Pentagon's Washington Post, sexual crimes in the military has risen to alarming levels ie 70 cases per day or three cases per hour. Mentioned that, 26,000 military personnel experienced rape in 2012. This means 35 percent increase since 2010 when 19 thousand cases of rape were reported.
However, the total number of sex crimes in the U.S. military likely higher than that, because many victims were reluctant to report for fear of its impact or less fair military justice system.
"The more closed and the hierarchy of an institution, the more afraid of the victim and the rapist will get away," said Susan Brooks, a rape counselor.
Brooks also criticized the U.S. military for maintaining the culture of gender and power, which he said, triggering rape culture among military personnel.
A number of high-level U.S. military officials have recently been found guilty and dismissed for various sex crimes and corruption for many years.
On May 6, the U.S. authorities stated Lt. Col. Jeff Krusinski has been arrested for a sex crime against a woman. The incident occurred not far from the military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Worse yet, U.S. Air Force officer was the head of the sexual assault prevention program in the U.S. Air Force.
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