New York - First, Chris Beck is a male member of the elite forces United States (U.S.) Navy SEAL. But he realized, it was not her true self. Finally, he decided to become a Christian transgender Beck.
Reported by, au, Wednesday (2013/06/05), Beck is now retired and living as a woman. He had served 20 years in the Navy SEALs.
Beck story of internal struggle to change sex written in his book 'Warrior Princess'.
"Chris really wanted to be a woman and feel she is a girl," said Chris colleagues in the writing of the book, Anne Spekchard.
Beck desire to be a woman actually has appeared since I was in SEAL. But it was closed tightly, especially during training and on duty on the battlefield. In fact, he had a beard for 'image' as a genuine man.
Only after retiring in 2011, he made the announcement that horrendous: want to be a woman.
"Over the years, Chris deadly sexual desires, then turned and life as a knight," said one quote in the book.
During that time, he started to go to the gay bar as a woman. Then, he took hormones and sexual surgery. His hair grew long and curly.
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